Monday, December 15, 2008

The Bigger Apple, Brooklyn

Hi all,

Ryan, River and I arrived rurally home at about 11 last night after a comfrotable two-hour trip from Naomi's festive gathering. This morning I transfered funds, paid a guy to deliver some oil to our home, composted, nursed, made billing arrangements with the bursar and health care... but last night, on our drive home, I smiled at the wheel to think of how wonderful my old Parson's comrades still are. I suppose I never doubted that everyone would still have the same way of moving, talking, general wardrobe, unique and desirable quirks. I do know that I feared for myself at that time when I made my break from New York in the beginning of 2001; feared that I would change in a way I didn't like over time. It warms my heart in the most fuzzy and dorky of semtimental Robert Frosty ways to feel still so connected to some of you. I love that I am so close and hope that those of you who appreciate rural escapism can consider me an outlet. There is a bus from the city to Kutztown Campus - three miles from my home and the site of my upcoming graduate program. I will add a link with the details when I locate it.
Ryan was gracious to allow me to soak it all up last night, in spite of his morning habits in ruin, but he admitted his own enjoyment at the company of Naomi's great gathering. One final note, mainly for Naomi, I was glad to have joined you early in the day to spend that needed time apart, and I will upload the photos as they are completely taken and developed. You were smashing.

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